Friday, November 7, 2008

Ong Ong Ong.

he's too sarcastic, too smart, too kiasu, studies too much, too rich, too gentleman, too quiet but too talkative at times, too good in add maths and too blue!

damn there's too many TOO here that the word TOO doesnt seem like a word anymore when i look at it.

he helps alot in sejarah too.

me: sikap mahudah (ikhlas, lemah lembut, sopan santun), who's mahmudah in this class?
laine: -looks around-
me and laine: JIA XIANG!

and i think we related jia xiang to MANY sejarah facts when we studied, didn't we laine? hahaha!
oh oh lastly, jia xiang's a zimmi who pays jizyah. :D

don't you find this very helpful for sejarah? anyway,

seriously sleeping now. good night, world.

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