we've started off this year as deskmates. well, it's undeniably true that most deskmates will turn out to be best buds, albeit the background difference and their cliques, just not my deskmate in form 2. you all know who. -winks-
the story of our friendship unfolds as i was left alone without a deskmate by my friends, NAMELY poi yin and afzan. so then, without a choice, i sat in front of them, with two other seats next to me empty, and was hoping for two decent people whom i can bond with to fill the space. then came kimberly hong and julia pan. JUST GREAT, i thought, two mummy's girls.
well, i'll not take back my words cause i still think they are mummy's precious stones. XD kim's a brat, always a brat, still a brat, but a lovely (did i just that word!), sarcastic to the max, paranoid brat whom can drive me up the walls or crack my tummy open with her extravaganza sarcasm.
needless to say, she's darn good at being paranoid. so good that you'd think it's seizures, and i can't help counting the seconds to a heart attack whenever it happens. i swear, another year of deskmates will definitely burn some of my hardcore lipids due to extreme waryness, and constant paranoia.
forgetful's another dominant personality of kimberly hong which leads to her being paranoid most of the time. she lost the most textbooks in class, which really arches an eyebrow because the textbooks practically thrives in lockers for the entire year. i hate to say this too but she's the utmost annoying person to go for a camp with, she can lose almost everything in just one camp, just lucky she's still alive. haha~
but there's one thing that will never go missing. her mechanical pencil which she claims as darn fucking lucky. long story you see, in short, the poor mechanical pencil had been misplaced numerous times and yet always found.
okay okay i've revealed too much of her dark side. BUT YOU GOTTA PRAISE ME FOR PUTTING UP WITH THOSE FOR A YEAR, REALLY. you wanna test your patience, hang out with her for a year and we'll see if you end up in the psychiatric ward. :D on the brighter side though, she's the most understanding friend you'd ever find, maybe due to the paranoid-ism, but she always support me in my relationship, and i LOVE anyone who's willing to hold my back in this. she's been a great listener throughout the year, a great deskmate, and best of all, a great friend.
thanks for being there yo, you bitch.

cheers to paranoia, &&
remember to always inhale, exhale, inhale.
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