i was borned with many bad traits. greedy's a significant one. and yes, i have this
negative wanting to grab every food i see, regardless of their appearances. one, two, or three, can never be enough for me. i'll always take more, because i strongly think that, being full is better than famish. since there's more, why take less? and quickly, i'll gorge food down my tummy. and that's tee kye li.
the story unfolds as my mom cooked barly with
fu chuk and eggs. i loathe
kekacangs, especially barly. so i took a big spoonful of the sweet fluid only, leaving barly and fu chuk behind.
then i got a sounding today.
mom: what happened to all the water?! who drank the water only?! now there's only the sendiments left!my bad.
mom: why don't you just boil sugar with water and drink it?
so here i am now.
trying to drown these fibres down my throat.
and you think it's a small mug?
at least i think, barly promotes health.
i have a little confession to make.
i was never into writing. the lack of vocabulary pushed me out of this field. so you should understand why when there's zilch updates -- i have absolutely no idea what to write, or, i've not been attending social events. i find it very amusing how some people can write endlessly and flawlessly without even flipping through the dictionary. while i on the other hand, have trouble conveying my message to the world. i thought the world does not understand me, but then again, i can't blame the world. it's me me me and my lack of vocabulary. my question, how do people manage to store bombastic words that seems alphabetically disorder, not to mention knowing the meaning behind them in that brain of theirs? the other agonizing truth is that,
my brain's of the similar size! the only difference that separates me from them?
my brain does not read. okay okay, don't blame it on my brain.
I do not read. and i somehow think that the past 12 years of chinese education has nothing to do with my less than perfect english. i will not cook up an excuse.
okaylah, say it. i'm an english wannabee!
i'm not the woman behind you, i want to be beside you.