hardly seen any jalur gemilangs out the street, or even banners, and what happened to the annual fireworks?
but anyway, we had a flamboyant celebration in school!
before we proceed, i'd like to make a shoutout.
the alpha family picture!
as you can see, okay i don't know the family tree so im just gonna come up with some crap here, there's three pair of couples in the front row, while according to julia, those at the back are the children of this family.
dharr: our family is fertile!
someone asked me to be the maid. (not because of the costume okay) hmmmph. apparently we had to do this sivik project which carries 20 marks for our finals. that two fella (namely julia and kiasu kimberly), god, i've never seen such kiasu in my 16 years of existence. and it's SIVIK. who even cares about S I V I K? come on, it's SIVIK?!
apparently again, they do.
kiasu kim: oh my god i suddenly feel SOO semangated to do this project!
julia kiasu: ME TOO!
kiasu kim: let's make this -some kiasu plan-
julia kiasu: eh lower down lower down! shhh! -brings everyone to a corner-
i have not reached that stage yet, never will. because kye li's study conscious, not.. s i v i k conscious..... =.=
AHH, aren't we muhibah?
pictures @ julia. (happy now?)
-listens to the deejay whom wished everyone selamat hari merdeka-
dad: it's not supposed to be hari kemerdekaan.
me: o.o
dad: hari kemerdekaan means the hari merdeka itself, which is 51 years ago!
me: o.o
dad: it should be hari kebangsaan! national day! not independance day!
me: o.o
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