Monday, January 25, 2010

my driving instructor

has three frequently used words.



yesssss giving signals is like my biggest problem so far and i change lanes the moment i put on one, in which they'll fail me as "menukar laluan secara mendadak". =S i cannot be complimented too because once he said my tiga penjuru was "SMART" then i tried for the second time and failed miserably because i was too flattered by the previous comment.

my instructor is spontaneously funny to the point where i actually hit one of the cones for a short guffaw. it all started when he yawned watching me balancing and feeling the clutch by driving the way i depicted in the picture above. he then beckoned me to stop. i thought i did a mistake. but no i was perfect he said, he just wanted to take something out from the car.

i blinked as he retrieved a parang from the backseat =.= i was like, sei lor, this is it.

"takpe, continue lah!"

he was cutting down a cane tree.

"nak tebu? sedap!"

O.O then boom i knocked down a cone.

once, his friend said "waaaa, pelajar awak orang JEPUN ke?" he then swiftly glanced my way and went "ALIGATO!" -beaming-

my instructor's also obsessed with siti nurhaliza i think. because whenever we pass by her cinderella mansion, he'll go like "kamu rasa siti tu dah belajar memandu ke? saya boleh ajar dia tau..."

he was also an army. he quitted because he's been waiting for a war for way too long X.X

enough bout him, i really am not obsessed. i think i'm just very thankful that i didnt get one who sweet talks chinese girls/gatal/meraba2. yeahhh.

i may be able to communicate well with people but not with drivers. i missed a "u" turn for being too cowardly HAHA. in short, i'm a big time coward on road.

look on the brighter side, i drove from bkt antarabangsa to setapak during my third lesson without killing a soul!

by february, i'll be on the road. vroooom!

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