Wednesday, January 6, 2010

if V for Vendetta, L's for

(i thought this post was published until i checked my drafts)

six tormenting hours of battling with my eyelids!

i wouldnt mind if it's about gears clutch accelerators windshields or conveyer belts...

but that first lecturer is such a pervert! being perverted itself is rancid enough, but at the age of 71 i think it's a total disgrace. i was tooooo startled to even fall asleep as he was mocking almost everyone in the room. i see everyone was rolling their eyes too.

he said, choosing cars are like choosing women, we will know if they're a "ANAK DARA" or "JANDA" by knowing their components. then he asked a married guy whether he can differentiate an "ANAK DARA" from a "JANDA". obviously married guy obeyed. he then began his mockery at this other instructor whom he playfully added a JANDA at the back of his name because that instructor has all "JANDA" students.

wtf, total moron with a big capital L.

thank god my instructor rocks :) he listens to music at the volume of 55. and you know what he listens to? orchestra version of "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS"! HAHAHA, SO ADORABLE!

but look at the bright sideeeee... i currently hold a...


BAHAHAHAHA~ don't mix up the other capital L with this prestigious L license :)

vrooom vrooom vrooooom! i think i can start providing transport to SBU from bkt antarabangsa once i get my P since this area is so bloody secluded you can't even seek for public transport anywhere. sheng rei & sheng juen, up for a ride? -winks winks-

oh wait... i dont have a car. busted.

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