Thursday, January 8, 2009

too little money.

i err actually errr like errr konserto errr terakhir..... what's wrong with me damnit!

and aiyer hugh dancy WHO EXACTLY? is playing LUKE BRANDON. PUH LEASE, luke brandon should have STRAIGHT NEAT HAIR, DARK DEEP EYES, MANLY BUSINESSLIKE FACE, maybe not as perfect as edward cullen but he REALLY SHOULDNT LOOK LIKE

UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. such disappointment! i cant bearrrr this!

but yay becky looks good, i dont care what you say bout she should look uglier and girl next door-ish, hahaha! good looks, great movie, happy happy. full stop.

now now, who wants a shopaholic day out with me? XD

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