Sunday, January 18, 2009

the best solution

my mind was juggling between sleeping (right now, at 10 pm) or blogging (the best source of wastefulness)

yes keep in mind, i'm wasting my time now but for a good cause.

i'd like a politician or someone who's brave enough to voice out in future that EVERYONE from students especially to working adults to old farts except for infants--because they really sleep too much and ought to wake up more often--should

get at least 10 hours of sleep per day until they can start functioning as a human.

reasonable, aint it? but you cant possibly say we humans sleep at 8 in the evening and wake up by 6 in the morning (i'm actually refering to students' rights only) so i suggest that

school starts at 8.
demolish subjects like XXXXXXXX to make way for more important subjects as such we can finish school earlier
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